
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Gina K Inspiration Blog Hop Day #2!

The Cast and Crew for Gina K Designs welcomes you to another fabulous Inspiration Blog Hop! This blog hop is for our September Release and YOU are in for some treats today.  As you hop along, we hope to inspire you with all sorts of fabulous creations.  Now don't forget to leave a comment on each blog for your chance to win an awesome grab bag of GKD goodies!!   To see who won,  check the Big News Forum at StampTV a few days after the hop.

For my card today, I used the new set by Gina called Simply the Best.   See my tutorial below on how I colored and changed up the flower image.

Step 1: Stamp the flower image 3 times on light cardstock.  On all 3 stamped flowers, color the center of the flower with EB6 Spectrum Noir Marker, then use GB6 & GB9 for the next ring of flower petals.  I used GB6 first, then added GB9 over the top, to lighten it up just a bit, I used GB6 again.  With scissors, trim one of the smallest flower centers.

Step 2: On one of the flowers, color the middle ring of flower petals, use GB7 on each petal.

Step 3: Add GB8 to the edge of each petal.  Trim the flower with scissors cutting off the outside ring of petals.

Step 4: On the third flower, color the entire flower with GB1 and then add GB7 to the edge of each petal.

Step 5: Go over the petals again with GB1 and trim with scissors.

This is a fun way to get more out of a single stamp.

Here is my color palette.

and a close up of my finished flowers...

Ready for more awesome creations?! Just click on the links below for more from the Illustrators and Design Team!!
Gina K – Illustrator of Simply the Best
Beth Silaika – Illustrator of This and That
Kendra Wietstock - You are HERE!


  1. love the swirl silhouette to back the flowers and these colors are just great together.

  2. This is Beautiful! Thanks for the Tutorial…. I love your flower and the whole design of the card! :) <3

  3. Gorgeous!!! I love sunflowers! My kitchen is in a sunflower theme :) what a cheerful and joy inspired card! I loved your tutorial - and the happiness your card emits! TFS!

  4. Wonderful tutorial. I like the popped up flowers.

  5. Beautiful. Thanks for the great tutorial.

  6. I loved this one! The color combo is fabulous!

  7. Beautiful card! And the tutorial, as always, is much appreciated! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Beautiful card. Thanks for the tutorial. My coloring has gotten better with your tutorials. Thanks for that!

  9. I am in love with this card. I love everything about it, from the colors to the embellishments and everything in between! Thanks for the tutorial!!

  10. Your are always such a doll to teach. The flowers are perfect.

  11. Great card! Thanks for the tutorial!

  12. Beautiful, thank you for showing us how you did it!

  13. Wonderful card! Thanks for the great tutorial.

  14. Love the card and once again very grateful when you share the tutorial for coloring. I find it very helpful even if I don't have the exact markers you use. Thanks again!!

  15. Lovely card and great tutorial. Interesting how you can create a different look from ONE flower stamp. Thanks for the inspiration:)

  16. Such a pretty color combination.
    I sure think all the cards made with this set are simply the best.

  17. I love everything about this card you created. And, thanks for sharing how you colored the flowers too!

  18. Like the brown & yellow combination. Thank you for the detailed instructions

  19. What a gorgeous card, Kendra! I love the colors and texture!

  20. Wonderful card! Thanks for the tutorial!

  21. Nice job and a great background for the flowers.

  22. Love your cards. Thanks for sharing the coloring technique.

  23. Love your cards. Thanks for sharing the coloring technique.

  24. Your card is so striking! Thanks for the tutorial it really helps

  25. Lovely card and thanks for sharing your coloring tutorial. Beautiful!

  26. Thanks for your excellent tutorial. I just finished collecting the full set of Spectrum Noir Markers because of all I have learned from Stamp TV. Excited to try your card!!

  27. Oh so Beautiful!! I love that you included the tutorial too! I am anxious to case this one!! Thanks for sharing!!

  28. Elegant and gorgeous!! Will have to try your sketch and colors.
    Thank You!!

  29. Beautiful card and great tutorial on doing the flowers. Wonderful job.

  30. I love how you used creative thinking (as well as scissor skills and coloring) to create three flowers from one stamp.

  31. Your card is gorgeous. Thank you for the tutorial


  32. Thanks for all of your great tutorials! Love your work!

  33. Oh, I love the warm, homey feeling of this one!

  34. This is a beautiful card and thank for the tutorial. Your coloring is great. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda D.


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