
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Whooooo's There?

Don't forget about my blog candy ~ see details HERE ~ or you can leave a comment on this post too!

Good Wednesday Morning to you!  Yesterday I realized that I didn't have a card ready for today, so I pulled out this cute little image from Crafter's Companion that I've had sitting on my desk for a few weeks called What a Hoot.  I think it's kinda cute. 

Stamps - Crafter's Companion (Stamp-It Australia What A Hoot; Sentiment Swirls)
Ink - Memento Tuxedo Black
Spectrum Noir Markers - TN2, TN3, TN5, TN7, TN8, TN9, EB2, EB3, EB4, EB5, GB9, CG4, LG5
Cardstock - Bazzill
Pattern Paper - Echo Park (Reflections)


  1. Great card, love the sweet little birds!!

  2. Hi Kendra,
    LOVE This Little Stamp, and loving that it's Australian too. Your Colour Choices are Spot On as Always.
    Awesome Card. Well Done....

  3. Very cute--love the owls and the button/lace/twine treatment.


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}