
Monday, February 6, 2012


Good Monday Morning!  I hope your weekend was SUPER!!!!  Did you watch the BIG GAME!  I love that the game was in Indianapolis & that our great state was so well represented.  Gotta love that midwestern hospitality! 

Well speaking of great states, it's time to share another edition of THE ALASKA PROJECT!  Today I have some fun photo sleeve pages to share with you using the Simple Stories Destination kit & the coordinating stamps from Unity Stamp Co

We loved walking around Downtown Anchorage & we had wonderful weather while we were there. The visitor's center was really cool.  It had a grass roof and gorgeous flowers everywhere ~ it was the hub of activity with the free shuttle stop going all over the city.

These photo sleeve pages from We R Memory Keepers are great for creating fast pages because you just slide the pictures inside.  For the top picture of this layout, the photo I had wasn't the right direction, so I cropped off the top and added a journaling block with some of the sticker letters that came with the kit. 

The kit comes with tons of great journaling blocks & fillers that you can leave as is or add things to them.  They are perfectly sized to go with the photo sleeve pages.

I like adding some other stamped elements to my pages and pictures.  I've been using the map background stamp to stamp a tone on tone background on all of my kraft cardstock.  Also, I stamped up a bunch of these little half circle journaling tabs to add to pictures throughout my album.  I can either use my little Hero Arts alphabet stamps or write on them.

My next photo sleeve page is the backside of the one above so it has the same layout, but looks totally different with new elements added.  We found this booth with fur hats so everyone tried something on ~ while I'm NOT a fur person, I do love their goofy faces.

A new layout look for this photo sleeve page.  Just a hint of pattern paper and then I cropped off the photos on the right side and added sticker words from the kit.  A few other stamped images were added to finish off the look.

On this layout, I added a clear photo overlay on the center picture for some added embellishment and I also trimmed a few photos and added mats to the pictures to set them off and tie in with the pattern paper on the right side.

Some of my pages have very little added ~ this new layout just has one little photo block filler where I added a few alphabet stickers and some stamped words.

And on this page, I decided not to add anything at all because the photos were so fun.

Another thing I really like to do, is when I get home from a trip, I look up information about the places we've been or the things we've seen so I can add more information to my journaling.  We saw this sweet little polar bear cub while at the Alaska Zoo & I couldn't quite remember all the details, so I Googled her and found all the info I wanted to add to my page.    I cut down one of the larger journaling blocks for the center square and added the journaling with my Hero Arts mini alphabet stamps, sticker letters and handwritten journaling.

Well...there are some of my photo sleeve pages so far ~ you'll see lots more as I continue to work on my album.  I hope you're enjoying my pages and trip so far.  I have more fun posts planned to show some of my full 12x12 layouts and pocket pages to hold memorabilia.  Those posts will be up in the next few weeks.

Have a lovely Monday & thanks for buzzing by today!

1 comment:

  1. love, love, Kendra!! I've recently started using We R albums and page protectors. Your post gives me great inspiration for using the different photo sleeve pages. Please post more! lol :)


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