
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our for a Springtime Spin

I had an extra bike image left over from my class the other night and couldn't let it go to waste.  The image is from the Out for a Spin set by Our Craft Lounge and I pulled out this great new paper from Jillibean Soup called Blossom Soup to use with it.  They are perfect for each other! 

Hope your spring day is filled with sunshine today!

Supplies from i{heart}papers:
Stamps ~ Our Craft Lounge (Out for a Spin)
Pattern Paper ~ Jillibean Soup (Blossom Soup)
Copic Markers ~ C1, C3, RV55, 63, 66; E25
Ink ~ Palette

1 comment:

  1. OMW....this is darling! I just LOVE this bike and how you can put different items on it. Just TOO CUTE!!


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