
Friday, November 19, 2010

LAD Design Team Challenge

It's been a busy week on my blog with new releases and DT challenges.  If you are looking for my Blog Candy, scroll down after you see today's project.  You can still go ahead and leave a comment today, everything will count ~ just cause I love my peeps soooooo much!

So today I'm back with yet another challenge.  This time it's for the Lizzie Anne Design Team.  So here is the inspiration piece and the challenge was to create a wreath or banner using stamped Lizzie Anne's Christmas images ~

OMW!  Can you say MAJOR challenge????  Yes indeed ~ I struggled with this one for an entire day.  I think this wreath that I finally ended up with is at least 5 times smaller than what I started with and probably the 20th revision.  Lots of stuff went into the trash that day!

I took some Maya Roads chipboard buttons out of my stash and colored them with my R29 Copic Marker.  Even though the marker is a bright red, when I colored on the gray chipboard, it turned out much darker.  Then I took images from five different Lizzie Anne Christmas sets & singles and stamped them on the buttons with white pigment ink.  The sets/singles I used were: Oh Christmas Tree, Love & Joy Labels, the Snowflake single, the Starburst single and the polka-dot background from the October Monthly Mix Sweet & Spooky.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the girls came up with for this challenge!  You can find the list of players over on the Lizzie Anne Blog this morning.


  1. Kendra, this is stunning! Love the way the chipboard turned out when you colored it with the copics!

  2. Rich and elegant and beautiful, Kendra! I love it!

  3. Wow...its sounds like this was a lot of work but TOTALLY worth it! I love the mixture of stamped images and the fun button chipboard pieces!!!

  4. I love how you used all the stamps to create your own patterns on each part of your wreath. Pretty colors!

  5. Beautiful, Kendra! I love all the different patterns that you chose - this looks great on your tree!


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}