
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Finds...

I was searching through my files on the computer for a few ideas for a class & ran across these samples that I completely forgot to blog.  I guess I need to organize my computer images so I don't keep forgetting to blog things.  Although, it is a nice problem to have extra cards to blog that you weren't expecting!

My first card uses a cute Halloween set from Our Craft Lounge from the release last year called Witch to Wear.  It's oh so cute and spooky!

My next card uses the turkey and fall images from the Holiday Cruiser set.

Guess I'd better go look a little deeper and make sure I don't have any more hidden cards in my computer that are begging to be blogged!


  1. These are adorable Kendra! You know..I am always so focused on What's NEW that I forget to look at past releases! I'm gonna go look today! :) LOVE THESE!

  2. Very cute cards, I especially love the Turkey...tooo cute!


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