
Friday, December 18, 2009

Bright Snowflakes

Just a fun bright card to share today with a super quick post. I hope you are enjoying the Christmas season ~ it's so busy, busy, busy. Are you finished shopping, wrapping and baking? I finished my shopping on Tuesday and wrapping gifts on yesterday. I wanted to be all finished before the kids finished school today ~ whew! As for baking ~ I don't do a bunch of that (just when I need something for a blog post ~ JK).

Have a great weekend!

Supplies Used: Stamps ~ Lizzie Anne Designs (Way Up North); Pattern Paper ~ My Minds Eye (Colorful Christmas); Ink ~ Palette, PTI Snow White; Gem ~ Kaiser; Edge Punch ~ Martha Stewart.


  1. Sweet!! Loving the fun bright color combo especially in this dreary cold weather! Awesome card!!!

  2. This is adorable Kendra! Love the vibrant colours!! xx


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}