
Thursday, May 7, 2009

More from Simon Says Stamp...

Here is part 2 of my new Simon Says Stamp projects. Thanks to Heidi for the nice welcome to the team ~ it's going to be great fun!

My first project today is a picture of my son while we were on a trip last year. It had been a long day of walking in Boston & we happen to be there on the day of the big parade for the Boston Celtics when they won the NBA Championship ~ can you say CRAZY!!!! Oh My Word! So we found a nice lunch spot just before the parade ended and enjoyed people watching for about an hour while we ate. It was a great day!

My next project uses the same circle stamp as I used on the scrapbook page; however, changing the color and adding the brads totally changed the look of the image.

Then my last project is another look at the pretty little mesh backed flower - which is my favorite image of the set. There are also lots of dots and supporting images in this set.

Heidi from Simon Says Stamp, had a very nice welcome for me yesterday & posted my projects over on the Simon Says Blog. She is also giving away this stamp set along with one other if you leave a comment over on the Simon Blog {but you're welcome to leave love here too - LOL!}.


  1. Incredible projects Kendra!!

  2. Love your projects today, Kendra....especially the Matt's page. This stamp set has a hand-drawn doodle look to it. I LOVE IT!

  3. Great page and I love the cards!

  4. Sending Love your way Kendra! You inspire us!


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}