
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fun Pattern Paper...

Had a bit of fun yesterday making this page with the new pattern paper from My Minds Eye called Penny Lane. LOVE IT!!! I saw the entire line at CHA in January and it's all gorgeous & Kate of at i{heart}paper carries a ton of it ~ wooohooo!

Let me tell you, this was one EASY PEASY scrapbook page! The pattern paper already comes with the pinked edge and has the adorable tree and owls printed on it. I just put a piece of textured cardstock behind the page, and then added some buttons to the tree, a chipboard title and stamped a swirl under the picture then called it DONE! You seriously can't get easier than that ~ in fact, it took me longer to figure out what letters to use than it did to actually put the whole page together.

Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend!


  1. What a great page! Almost (not quite) makes me want to start scrapbooking (again).

  2. Oh man I got caught up in looking at the details - then saw the page was mostly "done!" I love that paper! Thank you for enabling!!


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