
Monday, September 15, 2008

Testing week...

In Indiana, it's standardize testing week for kids in 3rd through 12th grade. This will be my daughter's 4th year taking the test, but my son's first. He isn't too worried about it, but knows it's going to be a little different this week at school.

This morning while I was in the shower {my best thinking spot}, I had the idea to make I-STEP Survival Kits for my kids and a few of their close friends. After more thought, I decided to take out the word "survival". I don't want to put any pressure on them. Inside the little bags are granola bites, blueberry muffins, a small candy bar (for an after school treat), a #2 pencil, a pencil grip and a fun eraser.

I used an old Stampin' Up! set for the notebook paper and A+ on the tag and my Hero Arts alphabet to personalize each one. I hope this little goodie bag will bring a little smile this week.


  1. That is so sweet, it isnt that time of year here, but when it is, ugh lol so nice of you to do that for your kids and their friends.


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