
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sophie G ... en pointe

I love the ballet... I took dance for 7 years and then was a choreographer for a local youth group for a few years. Those were fun times. Mikhail Baryshnikov with the American Ballet Theatre was my favorite. When I was 16 years old, my best friend Christy and I, had the honor of seeing him dance. I think we were in the last row of the theatre, but he was still amazing.

Anyway, today's creation isn't nearly as spectacular as watching Baryshnikov dance. However, it is inspired by something special. The proceeds from this sweet little stamp will benefit a very special young lady who just happens to love dance and moose. Her name is Kelly Laude and she is in the battle of her life fighting childhood cancer. You can purchase this stamp either from the Hanna Stamps website or Eclectic Paperie starting tomorrow, Friday, September 5th.

Don't forget to leave me an organizing comment on my post from Tuesday. Today is the last day and at midnight I will pick my favorite tip and send you a little something special.


  1. Kendra,
    This is a sweet stamp and lovely card! I love the soft colors you used.

  2. Kendra,
    I love the card you made with Sophie G...en pointe. Thank you for showing this stamp and telling what it is for!
    Kathy, Kelly's mom


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}