
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm home...

Yes, I'm home from the retreat! Actually, I got home Sunday afternoon, but I've been in a total fog. The retreat was tons of fun & we laughed A LOT! This is a wonderful, but very crazy group. We share such a special bond and I love them all dearly.

So here is one of the project I made while I was there. I ended up making several cards with this adorable sets - Gizmos and Gears from Lizzie Anne Designs. I also colored a bunch of images from other LAD sets ~ so I'll have lots more to share in the upcoming days.

OK ~ it's back to reality today because I need to get things ready for the start of school tomorrow.

Supplies Used ~ Stamps ~ Lizzie Anne Designs (Gizmos & Gears); Cardstock~ SU; Pattern Paper and Twill ~ Cosmo Cricket; Ink ~ SU, Palette & Copics; Buttons ~ Foof-a-La; Nestabilities.

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}