
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Spring Time Smiles...

I'm trying so hard to feel the warmth in all my spring cards, but I'm still shivering! I know that some warm weather and sunshine will be here soon ~ right?

Anyway, here is the main image of the new Spring Time set by Hanna Stamps. Hanna and the bunny are actually 2 separate images. One of my favorite things about the Hanna images is how easy it is to paper piece her clothes. Just stamp your image on pattern paper, cut it out and attach it to the image you stamped on white cardstock. Easy Peasy!

Stay tuned for more tomorrow...

Supplies Used: Stamps ~ Hanna Stamps (Spring Time); Cardstock ~ Stampin' Up!; Pattern Paper & Flower embellishment ~ K & Co.; Ink ~ Palette Black & Copics; Ribbon ~ May Arts.

1 comment:

  1. That hanna set is sooo cute!! I LOVE that K&CO flower. You did a fabulous job!


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