
Monday, December 24, 2007

A note of thanks...

Music is a big part of who I am. I don't know how to play the an instrument & I can't sing the note of "c" if you ask me for it; but I do love choir and my singing voice is decent. This year for Christmas I really wanted to create something with this beautiful music set from Stampin' Up! There are 3 ladies that came to mind this year that I knew would appreciate something like this: the kids piano teacher, a friend at church who plays piano for our choir & the music teacher at my kids elementary school. They all are incredibly talented and give so much of their talents to teaching others.

I personalized the note cards by running them through the computer and then adding the stamped image. Then I thought the the stick-on labels were a fun idea so they could include their name on their sheet-music. They all loved the gifts & I was so pleased that I could show them my appreciation of their wonderful gift of music.

This picture is from my kids piano recital yesterday. They all played their Christmas songs beautifully with love (and a few nervous jitters). These were their happy faces once it was all over.


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}