
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Chipboard Coaster Calendars...

I'm in full swing with making Christmas gifts right now. I seem to start collecting stuff all year and then try and figure out later what to do with everything. The other day, a friend sent me a link to Erika Martin's blog. As soon as I opened the link, I knew what I would do with my little calendars and chipboard coasters. I had everything in my stash that I needed to complete this cute little project. The little calendars are from the Michael's dollar spot. They came attached to a piece of cardboard along with a note pad. I ripped them apart and used the calendar and the magnet that was on the back of the cardboard and now I have a bunch of note pads that I can do something with as well ~ I still have to figure that part out.


  1. Love those coaster calendars, Kendra. I need to be on the lookout at my M's. Kim

  2. Your coaster calendars came out so cute! Thanks for sharing!


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