
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Day 4 & 5 ~ Talkeetna and Anchorage

Talkeetna River Raft Float Trip
June 6, 2007

I'm sorry! I know it's been a week since my last post, but life has been crazy since we got home. This week is Vacation Bible School at our church and I've spent a good portion of last week and this planning, organizing and doing! So on with the vacation pics...

We woke up in Denali and spent some time walking around the grounds of the Lodge. At noon, we boarded the glass-topped train to Talkeetna. The trip south was beautiful and much more of what I thought Alaska would be like ~ lots of trees and mountains. When we arrived in Talkeetna, we stayed at the beautiful Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge ~ WOW! That evening we went on a river float trip which was a bunch of fun! Matt really enjoyed rowing the raft and didn't get us into too much trouble! After the float trip, we walked around downtown Talkeetna ~ can you say Northern Exposure? It's a itty bitty town with LOTS of character. We loved walking around and soaking up the small town feel. The next morning we walked back into town for breakfast and bought a few things to remember our trip.

That afternoon we boarded the motor coach for Anchorage. Soon after we started the trip we were stopped because of an accident. We did get to see a helicopter land right in front of us and it turned out that everyone involved in accident was o.k. We didn't really have anything going on in Anchorage, so the 2 hours we sat in our motor coach wasn't a big deal for our trip. We were just thankful everything ended well.

We spent the evening in Anchorage. We didn't see too much because we were on our own and walked around for a short time. After being in the many small towns and the wilderness for several days, it was culture shock for sure! We decided that we really enjoyed the remote areas of Alaska more than the big city.

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