
Friday, April 6, 2007

A Day Away....

Megan, Matt, Andy & Alexa
reflecting on the day in Chicago

It's spring break & you know what that means? Mom doesn't get to stamp or scrapbook because she is too busy keeping the kids occupied! We've had some fun, but I'm ready for school to start up again next Monday. On Thursday, my good friend Jenn and I took the kids to Chicago on the South Shore Train to visit Shedd Aquarium. Both the train and the aquarium were packed, but we had a good time. It's a gorgeous facility and it sits on a great spot overlooking Lake Michigan. We had a cold but very sunny day so the kids enjoyed spending a few minutes looking around after we left the aquarium.


  1. I LOVE that penguin shot! He's so CUTE! Sounds like a fun day!

  2. Oh, I see Petey made an appearance!! I love him! Looks like a fun day, Kendra.

  3. Oh Fun Girl! We are having Spring Break this week and I totally know what you mean...not a lotta stampin time.
    Cool photos!


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