
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Project 52 ~ Week #4

Welcome back to my Project 52 album using the Project Life App.  These are words that I rarely say, but I am up to date on this project!!!  Crazy huh?  The key for me being up to date on this project is that I went into the App and put together several weeks of layouts ahead of time with title cards, journaling blocks and filler blocks all from the same kit.  I pick one kit a week to work with and only select cards from that kit.  Then as things happen that week, I add the photos and I journal as I go.  If cards I initially picked don't work, I just swap them out and move things around.  The App is perfect for this type of a project because it is easy and so fast.

The kit I used for this page is called Hello Lovely.  This kit is available in physical product from Stampin' Up, but it's also in the App and I think it's so pretty.  As far as my journaling goes, I have been finding that I like doing a daily account of things by listing the day and adding what event(s) happened that day.  I've been journaling from my perspective & things I did, but I guess that's OK since I'm the one completing the book.  I do add things from the other family members too.  One big thing about this project is that I have been more intentional about taking photos... even silly ones ~ and that is part of my goal this year for my #onelittleword... Exploring my life through words and photos.

A Few Thoughts for the Day:

For over 10 years, I was on design teams and promoting products like crazy for others.  I had so many great experiences & worked for some amazing companies.  Companies that were so generous with products ~ oh my goodness I have drawers and drawers of generosity.  I am so thankful for those days and for the incredible friends I have met along the way.  Yes - sometimes I had to make projects with products that weren't necessarily my style and write blog posts that were a struggle, but that's all part of it.  It was about pulling in readers and helping the company sell products... which is absolutely what a good design team member should do ~ be a brand ambassador. I will never regret those days, but I have to say... I am really enjoying creating for me right now.  I absolutely LOVE being in my albums full time and I know this is where I need and want to be this year.  I have no idea how many people are really reading my blog or how many don't read it now that I'm not posting cards ~ but that's OK because I am in the right place for me.  I do hope that for those who visit, I can inspire you as I share my creative work in my little corner of the web.  

Have a lovely day!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading! I'm bad about commenting, but know that I am reading. I am where you are right now. I'm with one digital/cutting file team and am finding I am more creative on my own. I have slowly started letting go of a lot of supplies and am wanting to get back into scrapbooking/quilting/crocheting/woodworking for fun.


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}