
Friday, December 16, 2016

December Daily ~ Day #8... The Story of Our Tree

Happy Friday my friends!!  I hope your week has been great & you have fun plans this weekend.  Today I have another page from my December Daily to share with you.  This is the story of our Christmas tree.  I didn't really think too much about the "why" of my tree until I sat down and started documenting this story.  It was a fun discovery... click on the photo to read the story.

The acrylic overlay on my photo & the gold washi tape are both from the Ali Edwards DD Kit.  I'm pretty thrilled with how this page came out.

And here is the photo of the tree without the acrylic overlay.

The "Story" & the "Christmas Past" stamps are both Ali Edwards.  The letter/number stickers, wood veneer tree, and gold heart are from Studio Calico

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I adore this page!!! And the story behind it is great. You know how I like to CASE so it's going straight to my to do list. Merry Christmas!


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