
Thursday, December 22, 2016

December Daily ~ Day #14 ~ 17...

Hi Friends!  I'm back with more December Daily pages today...

I'm loving this DD project, but I sure wouldn't be able to keep up on it if this is how I scrapbooked normally.  However, for the 25 days of December, it's going to work out well & I really love how it's turning out.

For my Day 14 page, I used some products from the Ali Edwards kit along with some things that came from the Hip Kit Club.  I just started subscribing to this kit and they sent along some cute little freebies in the kit that matched up perfectly as I started wrapping gifts.

Day #15 is when Megan came home for Christmas break!  What a blessing to have everyone home!!!  I used more of the Hip Kit Club freebies for this page.  

For December 16 & 17, I used the Ali Edwards cards, stickers and stamp set to document the Christmas baking.  Megan loves to bake cookies!

Have a wonderful day!

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