
Monday, October 17, 2016

Gina K Christmas Inspiration Hop Day #1 ~ Coloring with Ink Pads

The Cast and Crew for Gina K Designs would like to welcome you to another fabulous blog hop celebrating the new Home for the Holidays StampTV Kit.  In the coming days, we will also feature a number of gorgeous stamp sets by our illustrator team! We hope to inspire you with some beautiful card projects as you hop along to each of the designer’s blogs!  

Enjoy the gorgeous inspiration samples from the team and then comment on each blog for your chance to win a $20 Gina K Designs gift certificate! To see who won, check the Big News Forum at StampTV a few days after the hop.

My first card features the Home for the Holidays Stamp set in the Stamp TV kit.  I also used the coordinating dies, patterned paper, and cardstock that all comes with this amazing kit.

My next card features the Music Background Stamp from the kit along with the snowflake stamps & Dies from the Home for the Holidays set and a sentiment from the Holiday Frame set that I will feature tomorrow.

My final project today is a fun Christmas tag using the Home for the Holidays set along with a tutorial on how I colored and then fixed a coloring mistake ~ ;)

Step 1: Trim cardstock tags (Jelly Bean, Kraft, Red Velvet), stamp the background with a small snowflake using the same color ink, and then add coordinating patterned paper from the kit.

Step 2: Stamp the mitten image on watercolor paper with black pigment ink and heat emboss with clear embossing powder.

Step 3: Using a water brush and the Turquoise Sea Gina K ink pad, color the mittens taking the ink directly from the ink pad.

Step 4: Using Zig Clean Color Real Brush Markers in Geranium Red and Turquoise Green, color the hearts and stripe on the mittens.  Use the Turquoise ink pad to color the top of the mitten.


Step 5: When you mess it up and you can't recover no matter how much water you add, stamp it again... recolor!  :)  Yup... it happens to everyone.  I didn't want to start over completely, so I decided to show you how I fixed my little boo boo.   The second time I stamp it, I colored the light blue first then added the red on the hearts.

Step 6: I trimmed just the pieces I needed and covered the mistake.  You can't even tell!

And here is the finished piece.

Ready for more awesome creations? Click on the links below for more from Gina and the Cast & Crew:

Don’t forget to pop over to the Gina K Designs Store and check out all of the new products available this month in the “What’s New” section at Gina K Designs.


  1. That design is so much fun with the patterned circles!

  2. Love how you show step by step instructions .....cute ideas!

  3. Stunning tags and cards Kendra, I love your colour combos, you have great style!

  4. Really nice inspiration. I particularly like the vintage looking bulbs and music background

  5. Great cards - and great cover for the little mistake. Always helps to see how to fix. Love this release.

  6. Beautiful designs, Kendra! I love all the layering and your wonderful tutorial.

  7. Love how you used the water brush .

  8. So beautiful and thanks for showing us how you made this!

  9. Is it possible to have too many gift tags for the holidays?

  10. Beautiful. Thanks for the tip on fixing your watercolor mistakes. I can't tell you the number of times I have thrown something away because the colors bled. I will try this the next time. I love the vibrant colors of the house card, and your tags are adorable. Thanks for sharing. I want to go home and play now.

  11. What fun examples! Thanks for the color info.

  12. Great cards. Thanks for the great tutorial and showing how to cover a boo-boo. I really like the music background with the festive PP circles.

  13. I like your card ideas. Showing how you messed up and then fixed it is wonderful! We all mess up and often forget there may be easy fixes.

  14. Love the card with the fun row of circles! Thanks for the step by step directions on how you did the mitten card. Fun cards!

  15. Beautiful cards and tag! Thanks for showing how to fix the mistake!

  16. I always learn something from your tutorials. I never thought about using my water brush on the ink pad itself. Love your cards!

  17. Fabulous projects, Kendra! Great tutorial too!

  18. Wonderful creations and thank you for the tutorial! Love your cards:)

  19. Love the card with the sheet music and
    the small circles.
    the mittens on the tag are darling.
    thanks for sharing.

  20. Thanks for the tutorial - so helpful! Love your designs and color choices!

  21. The music note background does it for it!

  22. Awesome cards - love how you use the Kraft card it is very inspiring:)

  23. It was great to see the step by step.

  24. It was great to see the step by step.

  25. Gorgeous artwork and thanks for sharing the right way to color to prevent the "boo boo" from happening.

  26. Thanks for the tutorial. Adorable kit and samples.

  27. Love your tags and appreciate the tutorial. Have to say it's nice see even the experts make goofs on occasion and it is just a little creativity to fix rather than starting over. Appreciate your creativity.

  28. Love the tags and your cards,,,beautiful.

  29. Awesome creations Kendra! wowza!! Of course, my favs are the ones using kraft!! :D

  30. Beautiful, I appreciate the step by step tutorial ;)

  31. Wonderful variety of projects!

  32. Beautiful cards! Your first card with the house is so colorful; your second card is lovely with the music background and pattern circles. Thanks for the tutorial too.

  33. All are lovely a great new release...thank you so much

  34. Kendra, very very cute. Great cards and thanks for the tutorial. Zigs and the aqua brush are great tools.

  35. Gorgeous projects! Thanks for the tutorial!

  36. Thanks for showing us how to fix a colouring mistake. That is really useful information. Love all your cards, but especially like the one with the music background (awesome stamp that) with the circles made from PP

  37. They are all great, thanks for the inspiration. Love the ones on Kraft.

  38. Wow! The work that went into coloring that roof is impressive. And thanks for showing how you fixed your mistake. I do that all the time and it's very disheartening to put in so much work and then have to throw something away. Thanks!

  39. Kendra, beautiful cards, and I love the "boo-boo fix" in your tutorial! It's nice to know it can even happen to the experts LOL! Thanks for all the great inspiration.

  40. Nice tutorial, thank you! All of your cards are terrific but I really love the bright colors on your house.

  41. Love the coloring and your instructions are so helpful! Thank you!

  42. Beautiful creations! I really love your Tag card...FANTASTIC!!!

  43. Fab cards and the tutorial on the tag is awesome!

  44. Cute cards and thanks for showin us your technique.

  45. Great job. Thanks for the tutorial.

  46. Great cards! Thanks for the tip!!!

  47. Love these beautiful cards and tags. The kraft cards are perfect. And I especially like the beautiful, bright colors!

  48. Thanks for the easy to follow step by step instructions. I need all the help I can get. :)

  49. Great tutorial and recovery! Wonderful job on all of your projects!

  50. Beautiful cards. Love the way you used the musical notes stamp and everything from the kit. This is the first kit I ordered from Gina K. and am so excited to get my hands on it!

  51. Love the colors you used in your cards. They are so beautiful. I can't wait to get my kit

  52. Thanks for the great tutorial, the cards are beautiful.

  53. Kendra, love your water coloring! Thanks for the inspiration.


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