
Monday, February 10, 2014

Scrapbooking Marching Band... FINALLY!

This past weekend I went on a Scrapbooking getaway and I'm thrilled to show you the first 5 layouts of my daughter's Marching Band book.  She is junior and completed her 3rd season last November.  With just one year left, I think we were both getting a bit nervous that I'd never get it going.  BUT... I was able to get 20 pages done over the weekend ~ 5 full page layouts and 15 Fast-Scrap page (like Project Life layouts) completed.

I selected various shades of green cardstock along with black and white.  Then I used the Base Camp and Quarter Note Cricut cartridges along with lots of stamps and dies from Technique Tuesday and Simple Stories.  So here we are...

The cover page shows Megan's formal pictures from her first 3 years with a space all ready for her Senior band photo (boo hoo)...

Next is the VERY LARGE (11x17) group photo.  I was very nervous to cut it down the center, but I made sure I didn't cut any faces and I found a great double page page protector that will display the pages right next to each other!

Next is a 5" x 7" photo of her freshman year.  The Concord scrapbook paper is from Scrapin' Sports and More and was ordered by a local scrapbook store.  They special order all of the local schools.

Here is the flute section...

And my final layout of the day is a pocket page with all of the newspaper articles for the season.  The logo in the scallop circle is the logo for their show that year... OH MY! What a year it was!!!

I love the simplicity of these pages and the added details to each page.  I'm looking forward to working on more pages later this week.

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