
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday LOVE...

Hello LOVELY Peeps!  I'm in such a good mood today and thought I would share a sweet little card I put together this morning using some new goodies from the latest Taylored Expressions release.  I'm pretty much loving how it turned out!  Now my original intent was to do the Clean and Simple Postage Challenge over on Splitcoast Stampers; however, I think this card missed the mark on the "Clean & Simple" look...but that's ok.

I used the beautiful Hearts Cutting Plate for the bottom of the card & did a tone on tone look {saving one of the cute little hearts for the tag}.  Then I added some new Echo Park Love Story pattern paper on top ~ gorgeous huh?  The inside of the postage die is the Graphic Greeting Valentine stamped in Angel Pink Memento Ink.  I added a doily and ribbon then used a cute little tag from the Designer Mini Tags and added that red heart that I saved earlier.  Then the final touch are some stamped hearts from the Gourmet Rubber Stamps set called Sealed with a Kiss.  OK...enough's my card!

OH ... I HAVE NEWS ~ I'm really excited to announce that I just started my own crafty Facebook page called Kendra's Paper Creations.  You will still see my work right here, as well as over there; but we'll also have some fun chats, answer questions, look at great products and maybe have a give away now and then.  Come on over and LIKE my new page!


  1. Great card!!! I haven't even opened my Love Story pack yet.

  2. So sweet. I love the juxtaposed hearts on the front, and the sweet little tag hanging from the ribbon. Great colors, too.

  3. Gorgeous card! Love the way you used the set! ;)

  4. Beautiful the embossing and the doily detail.


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}