
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ahhhhh...a finished project!

WOOHOOO!  This week I finally had time to sit down and finish my December Daily Album.  I'm not sure that I've ever finished an album that quickly, but with the help of the fabulous Simple Stories products, it went pretty quickly.  I also planned ahead and wrote down what each page would have on it & made sure I took photos for the planned pages.   For an album like this, it is very important to write things down as you go and put some effort into planning ~ otherwise, the project will never get finished.  And I have enough unfinished scrapbooking projects laying around my studio!

So here are the rest of my pages...

and here is the final page that recaps the whole month...

Hope you enjoyed seeing my busy December.
Lots of activities, family, and tons of fun!


  1. Wow Kendra...these are AWESOME and make me want to start scrapping! I wish I could just START it...I would LOVE to have something like this to look back on! Very cool style to this whole thing! You've been BUSY!

  2. Congrats on finishing up this amazing book! Love it!
    I understand about unfinished scrapbooks laying around. I really need to work on those! ;)


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