
Monday, June 6, 2011

Shout it OUT!

It's time to SHOUT IT OUT!  Well that's the name of this new set by Our Craft Lounge anyway ~ LOL!  The cute little whale is from the new set & I paired it up with one of our older sets called Whale of a Tale (waves, fish & sentiment).    I just love these two sets together!  I also used some of the fun Echo Park paper called Summer Days.

Supplies from i{heart}papers:
Stamps ~ Our Craft Lounge (Shout it Out!) ~ this will be in stock this week.
Pattern Paper ~ Echo Park (Summer Days)
Copic Markers ~ BG11, BG13, BG15, BG18; T1, T3, T5)
Ink ~ Palette (Noir)

Gems ~ Zva

1 comment:

  1. Very cute card. Love the smile on that whale's face!


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