
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Unity Sketch Challenge (#HHSC12)

It's the weekend ~ WOOHOOOO! It's been such a busy week that I am very happy the weekend is finally here. Today is mildly busy too, but not as much.

I haven't had much time to play with my Unity stamps lately or the Unity sketch so I thought I would just take a break from some other projects and pull them out. So this week's sketch can be found HERE on the SCS Unity forum. I decided to pull out my Jillibean Soup paper once again for the sketch and use up some scraps I had left over from the IHP Krafty Challenge this week.

Supplies from i{heart}papers: Stamps ~ Unity Stamp Co (Naturally You; Bevy of Butterflies); Pattern Paper ~ Jillibean Soup; Ink ~Palette; Copic Markers (G99, YG95, E25); atyou Spica glitter pens (clear, brown); Nestabilities (Circle, Big Scallop Circle).

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Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}