
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pretty Glittery Petals

Happy Cinco de Mayo ~ not that it has anything to do with my post, but I just thought I'd add the greeting for the day.

Just a quick post to share with you today with a few more projects using the Pretty Petals set. This is one of my favorites from this release by Our Craft Lounge. I've actually made a bunch of these for store samples. Not sure if you can see the details on them, but they are all blinged up with different colors of Crafty Sparkles.

Supplies from i{heart}papers: Stamps ~ Our Craft Lounge (Pretty Petals, Big Thanks); Palette Ink; Copic Markers (R81, R85, YG03, G20, Y21, Y38, Y17, BG10, BG15, B00).

1 comment:

  1. Kendra, I really luv these! So bright, and a great new style and layout!


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}