
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Time to take a break...

Have a seat and enjoy your day! Today's project features the cute set by Our Craft Lounge called Live, Laugh, Lounge. I had fun paper piecing this fun chair, pillow and lamp shade with pretty paper by Basic Grey called Nook & Pantry. I think this paper is PERFECT for paper piecing ~ especially the 6x6 pads where the designs are smaller.

Have a relaxing day!

Supplies from i{heart}papers: Stamps ~ Our Craft Lounge (Live, Laugh, Lounge); Pattern Paper ~ Basic Grey (Nook & Pantry); Nestabilities; Ink ~ Palette, Copic Markers (R81, R85, E37, E29); Sparkly Fluff by Our Craft Lounge ~ Coffee Bean Brown.


  1. Love it! You did a great job with the paper piecing & choice of patterns. It looks so realistic & perfectly in scale.

  2. How sweet! The paper piecing on the couch is perfect, love that material like effect!!


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