
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Birthday Package & Photos

Ahhhhh...the weekend is here. It's been a very busy week getting ready for Christmas and all the kids activities. In addition to all of that, it was my daughter's 13th birthday this week. Even though we had a very busy evening with cub scouts and volleyball practice, we sat down for a very early dinner, had her favorite German chocolate birthday cake and opened some very special presents. Here was one of the packages I wrapped for her using some pattern paper from the My Minds Eye ~ Bloom & Grow collection at i{heart}papers.

On the 3rd try, she finally got all the candles blown out!

Here is my VERY happy teenager ~ she received just what she wanted ~ a purity ring & her cell phone (that she got a few months ago) she was thrilled. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

By the way ~ i{heart}papers is sponsoring today for the 12 Days of Christmas on Paper Craft Planet. There is a fun scavenger hunt and you can enter to win some fun prizes.


  1. Love your pictures Kendra! Your daughter is beautiful, the box you made for her was lovely, and her gifts sound just perfect! What a special night!

  2. Happy 13th Birthday Megan from Michelle and Josey!!!!!

  3. Happy 13th birthday Megan, what lovely gifts. God bless you my angel. Sharon


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