
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lots of Dots...

Happy Saturday!'s the weekend. I was looking through some files on my computer and realized that I never put this card on my blog! This cute little card was actually on the cover of Scrap & Stamp Arts last August & I was SUPER excited about that!

Hope it's gorgeous where you are this weekend and you have lots of fun things planned!

ETA: I used Copic markers to color the image.

Supplies Used: Stamps ~ Hanna Stamps (Dog sets); Cardstock ~ SU; Pattern Paper ~ DCWV; Ink ~ Palette & Copics; Nesties; Ribbon ~ May Arts.


  1. So so so cute! Is it colored with copics? Adorable.

  2. Kendra, this is adorable! I love the cute image and all the dots!

    This weekend we are getting Benjamin ready to go to AK on a youth trip. I wish we could go too!


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}