
Monday, April 20, 2009

You are... sweet girl! Yesterday, I looked out in the backyard and there was Meg, my 12 year old, on the swings. She must have stayed on that swing for 15 to 20 minutes just lost in her thoughts. She wasn't unhappy at all ~ but was just enjoying quiet time.

Meg is a joy to me ~ sweet, kind, talented, and so gorgeous {both inside and out}...
I used all kinds of fun products from i{heart}papers! First off, the fun stamp set from Upsy Daisy called Make a Bloom ~ it's just packed full of fun flower shapes and stems. The other great product I used is one of my very favorite paper lines right now ~ Grow Kit (from the Bloom & Grow line) by My Minds Eye. The kit comes with 9 patterns of paper and a punch-out accessory sheet with the flowers, tags, brackets & dots ~ LOVE IT!


  1. Kendra, this page is just stunning, as is Megan! I love the bright oranges! Totally gorgeous!

  2. I love the brightness of this one. This would look cute in a picture frame as well!

  3. Love the oranges also! What a sweet girl and sweet story. Go Megan!!

  4. Count me in as a lover of the just pops and provides a stunning background for Megan. BTW...this is a beautiful picture of her....just lovely!

  5. What a sweet page! I love the flowers and everything!


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}