
Thursday, April 30, 2009

OCL Sneak Peeks ~ Day 4

It's finally Day #4 of sneak peeks & tomorrow is the big day of the release and a GINORMOUS blog hop! You will NOT want to miss out because there will be tons of prizes!
Both of my project today use the new Our Craft Lounge set called Swingin' By. I just love this set that Debbie drew ~ it's so darn cute! I love the tree in the set, but I decided that I wanted to make a few cards without it because I also LOVE the owls and birds in this set. There are so many fun ways to use this one!

Well now for more OCL peeks:
Hey Wait ~ I'm not done yet!!!!

Along with this great new set, I also used fun paper from My Mind's Eye. This line of pattern paper is called Penny Lane & it's available over at i{heart}papers! On the first card, I used paper from the Free Bird Collection ~ great for those guy cards. On the second card, I used paper from the same line, but from the Tiny Dancer Collection. I also used some new shapes from Nestabilities ~ Labels Four & Labels One (very original name huh?).

Sadly, today is my last day of my term on the i{heart}papers Design Team. I've had a great 6 months on the team and I have met some wonderful new friends. Thank you so much Kate for everything! It has been great working with you. To say goodbye to me and hello to a new team member, Lynn Mercurio, Kate is having a special ~ it's called Goodbye/Hello. The code is HGB10 & it will run today through Sunday, May 2nd.


  1. OMG Kendra babe...these cards are FABULOUS! That isn't even a big enough word for how much I LOVE your creations here! Dang girl! You've got some TALENT! LOVE the papers you used! So kewl!

  2. Both are darling! I LOVE the simplicity of the layouts.....really puts focus on the main image!

  3. I just love your cards Kendra! You have a great sense of design!! Blessings and hugs!!

  4. It's been great Kendra...thanks for being part of the gang.

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these!! You are SO stinkin creative my friend! Thanks so much for all you do!

  6. Awwww, these are so sweet Kendra, I love all the stamps in this one too!

  7. Adorable. I love this set and love the precious cards you created (I love it even more now!)

    Great job!

  8. Super duper cute, Kendra! I love the font for the sentiments!

  9. We'll miss you Kendra!! Best of luck in all you do.

  10. CUTE!!! Kendra you make them all ADORABLE!!

  11. ooo' these are just so caaaUTE! I really can't wait to get this set in my hands!

  12. These cards look awesome! Sweet images!

  13. Great set. Thanks for a chance to win!!!


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