
Monday, March 2, 2009

Spa Gift Set & a Farewell to Hanna...

Today's last sneak peek project for Hanna Stamps is another project using the Sophie Spa stamp. This one is so fun to play with & I knew I just had to make a spa set to go with it!

This will be my last project as a Hanna Stamps designer. As one of the original team members, I decided last week that it is time for me to move on. I want to thank you Kristi for giving me this wonderful opportunity, for being such a sweetheart & for your generousity over the last year and a half ~ you are a gem! I also want to thank you Vicki for being such a fabulous DT Coordinator and for all your support. I have learned a lot from both of you and I appreciate you very much. I will always look back on my time with the Hanna Stamp Design Team with fond memories and lots of laughs. You have some fabulous ROCK STAR designers & I can't wait to see what you all come up with each month! Thank you so much!

Tune in tomorrow for some more fun new creations!


  1. FUN! Who wouldn't love getting this as a gift. SO SO CUTE!

  2. Another fabulous project Kendra! Good luck with your new adventures. You will be missed at Hanna Stamps I am sure. xx

  3. Fabulous gift tag! I love this Riley cute and versatile. You did an amazing job designing for Hanna Stamps. You made their adorable images come to life. Good luck in your new pursuits.

  4. I am going to miss you so much Kendra!!! It's not going to be quite the same without you Chicka!!!!!

    I will still continue to enjoy your blog.............

    Hugs and more Hugs!!!!


  5. What a fun gift!

    I bet the team is going to miss you big time!

  6. Thank you so much Kendra, you are too sweet.


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