
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday Post #2: New from Lizzie Anne Designs!

It's that wonderful time of year again when Lizzie Anne Designs comes out with fabulous new stamps! Well I have 2 new sets and 1 new single stamp to show you today.

The first set is called School Days ~ which I am so thrilled about because I suggested this theme to Meridith and Tricia a few months ago & VOILA it's here ~ wooohooo! I love this set! Head on over to the Lizzie Anne site for pictures of all the images in this great set!

Supplies: Stamps ~ Lizzie Anne Designs (School Days, Sketched Sentiments); Cardstock ~ SU; Pattern Paper ~ KI Memories; Ink ~ Palette, SU & Copics; Ribbon ~ SU.

The next fun card features the single stamp called Hoppy Easter. This sweet little bunny is just what the LAD collection needed so another woohooo for this one!

Supplies: Stamps ~ Lizzie Anne Designs (Hoppy Easter single); cardstock ~ SU; Pattern Paper ~ Imaginsce; Ink ~Palette, Copics; Ribbon ~ SU.

And my final project for today (I've had a lot today haven't I?) ~ is a set of change of address cards and a Welcome to card from the new set called Welcome Home.

The details in this set are AMAZING!

Supplies: Stamps ~ Lizzie Anne Designs (Welcome Home); Cardstock ~ SU; Ink ~ Palette & Copics; Ribbon ~ May Arts; Nestabilities.

Make sure you check out the Lizzie Anne Designs Blog where you can see actual pictures of the sets and the Design Team blogs for TONS of fun project ideas using the new sets. Your eyes will be spinning in circles by the time you're done! I will have more sneak peeks at noon on Wednesday and Thursday & then the stamps will be available on Friday, January 9th!!! Oh, and don't forget the Lizzie Anne Designs Release party on Thursday night over at the forums.


  1. All of your samples are wonderful, Kendra!!

  2. Oh my goodness, I love these Kendra! They are sooooo cute!!!

  3. These are all just fabulous. Thanks for the inspiring eye candy.

  4. cute, cute, CUTE!!! They're all fantastic!!!

  5. great cards!! I love seeing everyone's different styles with the same stamps.

  6. All of these samples are amazing, Kendra! I think that that first You Rock card is tops on my list, though. Way cute!


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