
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year's EVE...AND ~

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Yup ~ today is my birthday.

The last day of the year;

A New Year's Baby;

Yes, my dad got a tax deduction {but it was only $60 at the time};

I wasn't born close to midnight {8am actually & I was 12 weeks early and only weighed 3 lbs}; and

YES ~ it's a ripoff having a birthday so close to Christmas. Those are the standard things said when the birthday discussion comes up.

So what are my pet peeves about having a birthday within a week of Christmas ~ birthday gifts wrapped in Christmas paper; combine Christmas/birthday gifts; and Christmas cards with a Happy Birthday message. Great things about having a New Year's Eve birthday ~ people generally don't forget; everybody has a party {yes, when I was young I thought they were celebrating for me}; and, it's a great time for the bubbly {Asti is my favorite ~ but just one glass}! ETA: Yes, you can wish me a Happy New Year and a Happy Birthday at the same time ~ LOL!

Several months ago, I made a fun flip-top card and decided to make another one with my fun Lizzie Anne stamps. This set is called Party Animal & I love it!

Have a wonderful New Year's Eve & have a safe and healthy New Year!
Thanks for all the special birthday wishes girls ~ what a wonderful day it's been so far, (and it's not even noon yet)!


  1. I just dropped by to wish you a very happy birthday Kendra Sue! I hope you have a splendid day and get some yummy birthday cake! Maybe Matt could decorate one for you! WOOHOO! Enjoy your day sweetie!

  2. Happy Birthday Kendra! Eat cake, drink Asti and enjoy your day! Thanks so much for your "gift" to me...I love your blog and always find great inspiration. Hope you have a great day!

  3. Happy Birthday Kendra! My youngest son's bd is the 28th and even though it's HIS bd, I have the same pet peeves. Ü He too was early, but not THAT early. His due date was Jan 19.

    When he was really little, it seemed Christmas with my grandparents always ended up on his birthday (only time everyone could get together). I always took an extra set of clothes. We did our Christmas stuff til 1 pm, then I *made* all the cousins help g'ma & g'pa take down all the Christmas decorations, changed Aaron's clothes, hung up bd stuff and we had a bd party. In the photo albums it looks like two different days. Ü

    I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

  4. Happy Birthday, Kendra! Have a wonderful day, and a happy and healthy new year. Oops! Is it OK to wish you happy birthday and happy new year in the same comment?

  5. awwe! Have a Very Happy Birthday Kendra!!! Love your blog!!! WEll my fiance's bday is in December and I hate it too!!!! But I try and buy things early or when I see it so I am not stressing on buying Bday gifts when I am buying Xmas gifts. And we still have a party for him even tho it is a little tight with the other big holiday so close!!! Again, Have a Very Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!


  6. Happy birthday Kendra! Have a safe and happy new year, too.

  7. Happy BIrthday to you...i have the same feeling my bday is on Christmas and through the years i just got used to it. Although it is a bummer when it is combined but oh well..Happy New Year..Liann

  8. happy birthday kendra! hope you have a happy new years too :o)

  9. A very happy birthday to you Kendra!! All the best for 2009!

  10. Well I hope you have a fabulous birthday!!

  11. Happy Birthday, Kendra! Yes, we know about birthdays close to Christmas too. Our youngest daughter's birthday is 12/21 and our oldest daughter's birthday is 1/9. It's kind of a bummer, but we try to keep the celebrations separate. Anyway, I hope you're having a great time!

    Also, drop me an email (the embarqmail one) when you get a chance and let me know how the stamp club is going. Will there be any openings for next time around, etc?

    Angela :)

  12. Well, I'm late....but I can honestly say that I thought about you all day! Hope you had a great birthday! And....I'll wish you a happy New Year!

  13. Happy Birthday Kendra!
    Hope you have a good one.
    EAT LOTS OF CAKE. . . . .

  14. Happy Birthday, Kendra!
    My birthday is Jan. 6, and everyone gives me my birthday presents along with my Christmas gifts! No cake! No cards! Just "while we're all together, here's your birthday"!! LOL!! Oh, well! At least, they remember!

    BTW, I was 3 weeks late! The dr. called Mom wanting to have the New Year's (1958!!) baby, but she wouldn't do it. My brother had been very premature, and she had lost 3 other babies, so she wasn't taking any chances with me.
    Blessed 2009!!

  15. Happy Birthday! Hope your day was happy! I'm a "right-before" Christmas birthday, but my rule is: Please make sure you wrap the present in birthday paper! Other than that, I love being a part of the Christmas celebration!


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}