
Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Inchie Friday... Chalk Board Page

In my opinion, scrapbooking is much more than a 12"x12" layout inside an album. It's all about the pictures and letting people see them. Why have album after album sitting on your bookshelf if they don't get looked at on a regular basis? Now there is nothing wrong with having albums ~ but let's get those pictures out and display them in fun new ways.

Today's Inchie Friday project is actually a page layout on a slightly unconventional medium ~ a chalk board! I found this great little 6" x 8" chalk board at Hobby Lobby for only $1.00 & thought it would be perfect for stamping on with white pigment ink. As accents, I stamped the apple and the star on white Inchie squares & I really think they help the photo pop off the board.
Along with the cute chalkboard, I also found this little star box. The lid stays in place with magnets. First, I painted the lid, the bottom and all the edges with an olive acrylic paint. Then I took a 1"x 12" strip of the pattern paper and applied adhesive with my Xyron machine. I wrapped the paper around the base of the star ~ and it was a perfect fit! After the paint on the lid was dry, I stamped the letters of the alphabet around the star lid on top and on the edges. Lastly, I stamped, colored and added my cute little Inch Worm Inchie as a decorative accent on the lid. It's perfect for paperclips, coins or a sweet afternoon treat ~ not to mention a fun little coordinating piece for the chalk board layout.

So are you wondering about these little Inchie Squares? As I mentioned in my post a few weeks ago, they are far more than chipboard. They are a very high quality matboard material with beautifully finished edges. They come in white and black and are perfect for stamping on. In the pictures below, I stamped in black Memento Ink; however, I still prefer my Palette Noir ink pad. When using a border on my Inchie, I like to stamp that first. I usually just eyeball it from the side to make sure I'm hitting the Inchie correctly. {Secret tip: If I mess it up, I usually just set that Inchie aside and cover it with paper for another project.}

Once the border image is stamped, I use a mask (made of Post-It Notes), to cover the border so I can stamp the inside image. I just keep the mask with my stamps and use it over and over again.

Take the mask off and your image is ready to color. I prefer to use Copic Markers, but Prisma Color Pencils work very well too.

The transformation from white Inchie square to a gorgeous embellishment is AMAZING!
If you want to see some amazing Inchie Arts work, check out Lisa Lee's brand new blog called All in an Inch ~ she is an incredible stamp artist!

Next month for Inchie Friday posts, I'll be working with a new some great new images for fall...
Supplies for Chalk Board: Inchie Arts (white Inchie Squares); Chalk Board & Star Box ~ Hobby Lobby; Ink ~ Palette & Copics; Cardstock ~ Stampin' Up!; Pattern Paper ~ KI Memories; Image Stamps ~ Lockhart Stamp Company; Alphabet stamps ~ Hero Arts & Stampin' Up!

Come on back tomorrow... I have a super fun Halloween Project to show you!


  1. WOW! Awesome blog!!!! I'll be back often!

  2. OMG that is sooooo darn cute!
    Love it!! Known about inchies for awhile, but hadn't done any myself. Now I'm really going to have to give them a try!!!


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