
Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's been 7 years...

I can't really believe it's been seven years since the terror attacks took place. I believe it is one of those days that I will always remember every little detail that took place. Do you remember what you were doing, how you found out, and what you felt like the rest of the day? I'm not sure anyone who was old enough will ever forget.

My children were pretty young at the time, so I saved the newpapers, special issues of Time and Newsweek & I scrapbooked the events ~ I thought they should know the events that happened and all the brave people who were involved that day.

I challenge you to take some time today to reflect on that day 7 years ago & pray for the many people who's lives changed forever.

Supplies Used: Stamps ~ Lizzie Anne Designs (Little People); Pattern Paper ~ Reminisce; Ink ~ Palette & Copics; Brads ~ Making Memories; Ticket corner punch ~ SU.


  1. Yes ... truly a day of remembrance and reflection, and thanks to those who . Love your card, Kendra.

  2. I sure do remember, my parents were arriving for a visit when my phone rang - my girlfriend cried "turn on your TV right now"...

    I give thanks DAILY for all the brave souls who stepped forward that day, and many days afterwards.

  3. I remember that day like it was yesterday! I was suppose to be in the first tower that exact time. Sometihng came over me and I took a different route into college. I was in my school building in midtown when the first plane hit, I heard it all the way up there.

    It sounded like a construction worker up on the scaffolding dropping something ( they were doing construction on the building right next to us)

    took us 9 hours or so to get from the city to staten island..

    I plan on scrap booking the day, and write down what happened to me and what I experienced for Stephen and his kids etc. I used to work with someone who has a picture of the first plane in the tower from my old office building!

    thank you to all our brave heroes!



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