
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Au Naturale...

This is another look with the Au Naturale set from Lizzie Anne Designs. I love how you can take the same set and come up with so many differernt looks ~ it's all part of the fun! I have a few more pretty cards to show you in the next few days along with a cool tutorial {that I still need to finish putting together}.

Did you know Lizzie Anne Designs has a sketch challenge in their forum every week? Here is the link to the forum for this weeks challenge ~ I'm going to try very hard to start getting some of these done. Maybe I'll have some time to do this later today.


  1. Kendra, this is a beautiful card. I think I spy a little bling in the center of the flowers - very pretty! :)

  2. This is gorgeous!!! Loving your cards and layout with this set!


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}