
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Blast from the Past #1...

Today we are leaving for vacation and even though I've been working non-stop on new creations, I thought I'd take this opportunity to bring out some of my favorite projects I did BB (Before Blog).

In 2006, my husband and I faced some of the most trying times in our lives because of my cancer diagnosis. We are so fortunate that this brought us closer than we had ever been before. Now that's really saying something because we've been together since we were 14 years old and we were friends a few years before that! Anyway, on our anniversary, I decided that I needed to make him a special gift. I thought and thought about it and finally decided to make this book of our life together. I was thrilled with how it turned out & I made my sweet husband cry!

Left: All dressed up for a Sing-Out Dearborn cast party in 1983
Right: Senior Prom ~ June 1984

Left: Engagement Picture ~ August 1988
Right: Wedding ~ June 1989

Left: Pre-kids with Jessica & Baby ~ 1991
Right: Still pre-kids with Kayla & Baby ~ 1993
Left: with Megan, Baby, Buddy & Kayla ~ 1998
Right: with Megan (3 yrs) & Matt (18 months) ~ 2000

Left: Cruisin' to Mexico ~ 2005
Right: A place for a hidden note!

I'll share more of our vacation plans & what we are up to in the upcoming posts.


  1. Ahhh, what a BEAUTIFUL thing Kendra, to have loved your husband for so many years!! I love your book - I love your story!!

  2. Happy Anniversary Kendra! Beautiful book.

  3. Oh Kendra....I remember this book. It turned out so beautiful because it was made from the heart! You and Tim truly have a wonderful relationship and an adorable family!

  4. Kendra Your album is fantastic. What a precious gift you are to your DH. This album was fun to look at...LOve the hair styles!!


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}