
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Riley goes golfing...

Sometimes things change! They always seem to change after I get started on a card. As you can see by my prep picture, the card took on a new look as I went through my prep steps.

Here's another new Riley image from Hanna Stamps. Cute little guy for all those golfers in your life.

Supplies Used: Stamps ~ Hanna Stamps (Riley Collection); Cardstock ~ Papertrey Ink & Doodlebug; Pattern Paper ~ Doodlebug; Ink ~ Palette Black & Copics; Prima Flowers; Word Window punch & Oval Punch ~ SU.


  1. This is a must buy stamp for me! My husband and my favorite uncle, as well as many of our other male friends, are all avid golfers!

    I'm tucking your sketches away for a creative jumpstart when I get time to craft.

    Thanks again for sharing another great card!

  2. So cute Kendra, love the sentiment!!

  3. Oh Kendra very cute! Lot of golfers in my family - I may have to splurge!

  4. Oh shoot!! I missed this one!! You know I have to have EVERYTHING golf!! Too Cute!!


Thanks for leaving a little love ~ I always enjoy hearing from you! {psst... comments don't appear right away}